The Catholic Education Commission has published guidance for Head Teachers of Secondary schools to support their planning as they develop curriculum structures which will meet the aspirations of the Scottish Government’s Curriculum for Excellence programme.
This guidance has been developed in partnership between the Catholic Education Commission and members of CHAS (Catholic Headteachers’ Association of Scotland), and is the result of extensive discussions around aspects of good practice in Catholic secondary schools.
At a seminar organised for Head Teachers in February 2010, it was agreed that the production of such guidance would offer vital support to Catholic secondary schools. It was also noted that such guidance would be complemented by advice contained in the SCES publications Values for Life and Shining the Light of Christ in the Catholic School.
While the guidance contained in the document respects the role of the Head Teacher as the leader of a learning community, it also highlights some key principles which carry significant implications for his/her role as the “chief catechist” of a Catholic school. To exemplify how these principles can be embodied in school practice, a number of case studies, reflecting early thoughts on approaches being considered in various schools, are provided in the document.
It is hoped that, in time, further examples of school practice can be gathered and made available on this website.