About SCES

The Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) was established in August 2003 by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland to establish and implement national policy on all educational matters on behalf of the Roman Catholic Bishops of Scotland.

While the Bishop of each Diocese is responsible for setting education policy to suit the needs of the Catholic community within the local diocesan context, there are broad issues of national significance on which all the Dioceses agree general policy principles, as advised by SCES. We work within the parameters of these national issues to offer support to schools, parishes and Dioceses. 

Our Values

SCES is committed to exemplify Christian life-affirming values and to show respect for the dignity of each person, gifted with life worthy of development from creation into eternity.  We strive to find common ground with all parties who are committed to this vision of Education for Life.

We aim to:

  • articulate and communicate a vision for Catholic education
  • develop and implement strategic plans for the development of Catholic education in Scotland
  • support parents as first educators of their children
  • promote the achievements of Catholic schools
  • support teachers in their work as faith witnesses
  • develop appropriate CPD courses and materials for teachers
  • develop effective links with major partners
  • encourage research into issues relating to Catholic education.

Module 4: Laudato Si’ and our children

Module 4: Laudato Si’ and our children 23 September 2020 16h-16h45 Join us for our final CLPL Module that introduces practical resources available to support Laudato Si’ learning for both primary and secondary school pupils. Free Online Course –

Module 3: Laudato Si’ and our Christian responsibility

Module 3: Laudato Si’ and our Christian responsibility 16 September 2020 16h-16h30 Hosted by SCES director, Barbara Coupar, this third CLPL Module will look at the new Laudato Si’ Schools Scotland program and the ways that our Christian identity infor

Module 2: Laudato Si’-More than the environment!

Module 2: Laudato Si’-More than the environment! 9 September 2020 16h-16h30 This second CLPL Module explores intersectional themes covered by Laudato Si’ that go beyond the basics of climate change. We will look at case studies from partners both dome

Module 1: What is Laudato Si’?

Module 1: What is Laudato Si’? 2 September 2020 16h-16h30 The first of four CLPL Modules designed especially for educators, SCIAF Development Education Officers provide an introduction to Laudato Si’ with a special focus on how to connect key principa

Breaking Open the relationship between Faith and Reason

Target group: Catholic Secondary non-specialist R.E. Teachers Aims To explore a key theme underpinning aspects of This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase Presenter To be confirmed Provider Diocesan R.E. Advisers Venue: Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Co

Commissioning Service for Caritas Award

Liturgical service led by Bishop Toal to commission Caritas Award  pupils to fulfil their mission of faith witness in their school and parish Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Coursington Road Motherwell ML1 1PP

Meeting of Church representatives on Parent Councils

Opportunity for nominated parish representatives on school Parent Councils to gather together for input and training on the latest relevant developments within education Motherwell Diocesan Centre, Coursington Road Motherwell ML1 1PP