Proclaiming the Good News from Ad Gentes to ‘Evangelii Gaudium’
Missio Scotland has organised a conference, co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh and the Conforti Institute to mark the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the Vatican II document ‘Ad Gentes: To the Nations’ which in modern times invited the whole people of God to undertake a journey of missionary evangelisation.
Topics include:
- Mission and Baptism,
- Mission in Parish Life
- Mission in Diocesan Life
- Mission Beyond the Boundaries
This conference will take place on Saturday 7th November (10am to 4pm) in the Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue Coatbridge, Lanarkshire ML5 4JS. Cost: £10 will include buffet lunch and refreshments. To book a place, click here.