On Wednesday 7th September 2001 Scotland’s Catholic Bishops released a statement underlining their opposition to any attempt by the Scottish Government to undermine or re-define the meaning of marriage. The bishops made clear that the Catholic Church will respond to the formal consultation launched by the Scottish Government and they urged Scotland’s Catholic community to do the same.
This Bishops’ statement, together with other statements, articles and related comments can be downloaded, using the Attachments list below. A link is also provided to the Scottish Government’s Consultation paper on this issue.
Archbishop Mario Conti – Friday 9th September
In a letter to the Herald on Friday 9th September Archbishop Conti signalled his opposition to the possible legislation of same sex marriage.
Cardinal O’Brien – Sunday 11th September
In a strongly worded article in the Mail on Sunday newspaper on Sunday 11th September, Cardinal Keith O’Brien calls on the Scottish Government not to “demolish a universally recognised human right” by dismantling the meaning of marriage.
Bishop Philip Tartaglia – Monday 12th September
In a strongly worded submission to the Scottish Government on the Consultation on Same Sex ‘Marriage’, Bishop Philip Tartaglia, Bishop of Paisley argues that: “Marriage is an institution which does not owe its existence or rationale to governments or legislatures.”