Each secondary school in Scotland has been invited to nominate some Sixth Year pupils to act as Communion Stewards in support of Priests and Eucharisitic Ministers who will distribute Communion during the Papal Mass.
Please note that it is not possible to fix the exact number of stewards who will be needed, given the uncertainty of the final number of ‘communicants’ until the day itself. Schools have been asked to provide 15 stewards. While we shall make every effort to ensure that they are all deployed on the day, it would be wise to to warn pupils that this not guaranteed. However, their willingness to be involved will be fully apreciated nonetheless.
Head Teachers are asked to ensure that a responsible person – teacher or school chaplain – uses the Power Point presentation attached below to ensure that, some days before the Papal Mass, these pupils are fully briefed on their duties.
It is important that Communion Stewards, on entry to the park, find their way to the particular Zones to which they have been allocated. (While this zone may be different from the zone allocated to the rest of their school party, it is important that each group remains in their allocated zone.) Communion Stewards should be accompanied in their zones, throughout the Mass, by one member of staff.
Teachers should use the attached list to check the zone to which the Communion Stewards from their schools have been allocated. NB Zone allocations for other school pupils will shortly be provided to schools.
Further instructions will be provided to Communion Stewards and accompanying staff in each Zone before the Mass begins.