St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education has organised the Cardinal Winning Lecture on Saturday 20th May 2017.
This year’s topic is: A Long Road, Catholic Schools and Catholic Social Integration In Scotland Since 1918.
The lecture will take place in the Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre, 1 University Avenue, Glasgow.
The timetable is as follows:
9.00 Mass (Turnbull Hall)
9.45 Tea/Coffee (Sir Charles Wilson Building)
10.20 School of Education Student Pastoral Planning Team
10.30 Introduction (Professor Anne Anderson, Vice Principal, University of Glasgow)
10.40 Lecture
11.30 Questions
11.50 Vote of Thanks (Bishop John Keenan, Bishop of the Diocese of Paisley)
12.00 Final Reflection (Fr Stephen Reilly, Coordinator of Spiritual and Pastoral Formation, University of Glasgow)
To register please email Arlene Burns: Arlene.Burns@glasgow.ac.uk
Details can be found here: Cardinal Winning Lecture 2017