On Saturday 26th February 2011, the Cardinal Winning Education Lecture will be given by James Arthur, Professor of Education and Civic Engagement, Head of School of Education, University of Birmingham. The title of the lecture will be: ‘The Ebbing Tide: 20 years on’.
Professor Arthur – who is a former pupil of Our Lady’s High School In Motherwell – published ‘The Ebbing Tide’ in 1995, causing some controversy becuase of his criticisms of Catholic schools in England and Wales at that time.
The lecture will take place in the Univeristy’s Charles Wilson Building, a converted Church building situated on the corner of Gibson Street and University Avenue.
9.00am – arrival/tea and coffee
9.45am – welcome and introduction
10.00am – lecture
11.00am – questions/discussion
11.45am – vote of thanks
12.00-12.15 – closing prayer/reflection
12.15pm – refreshments (soft drinks/snacks)/close
To obtain further details or to book a place, email: arlene.burns@glasgow.ac.uk
Background note
Staff in the University of Glasgow’s School of Education are responsible for organising the Cardinal Winning Education Lecture which takes place during Catholic Education Week each year. (Cardinal Thomas Winning was Archbishop of Glasgow and President of the Catholic Education Commission when he died in June 2001. The lecture series was re-named in his honour in 2002.)