Planning is well underway for the Caritas Award Ceremony which will take place on Sunday 2nd June (2pm to 5pm) in the Clyde Auditorium Glasgow. This joyful event will celebrate the achievements of over 900 young people who have demonstrated that Caritas – God’s love – has been “an extraordinary force” in their lives.
A capacity audience of 3,000 people are expected to attend this year’s ceremony which takes palce on the Feast of Corpus Christi. The young people who have been on a journey of faith witness, prayer and reflection towards the Caritas Award will be presented with a medal and certificate on behalf of the Bishops of Scotland.
While the vast bulk of the tickets for the ceremony have already been booked, some are still available for purchase (£6, incl. a souvenir programme). To book tickets, contact SCES as soon as possible. Tel 0141 556 4727. Email: