Articles relevant to aspects of religious faith, in particular Catholic Christianity.
In the introduction to the book he co-authored, McGrath admits that in the 1960s he was, as Dawkins is now, an atheist. Dawkins is an expert in evolutionary biology; similarly, McGrath started out in science, earning a doctorate in molecular biophysics. read more
An “Apostate” from Itself: The Lost Europe of Pope Benedict by Sandro Magister Even before its separation from God, Joseph Ratzinger sees the old continent withdrawing from itself, from “its very identity.” Fifty years after the Treaty of Rome,read more
An “Apostate” from Itself: The Lost Europe of Pope Benedict by Sandro Magister Even before its separation from God, Joseph Ratzinger sees the old continent withdrawing from itself, from “its very identity.” Fifty years after the Treaty of Rome,read more
Religious Liberty Goes Beyond Worship, says PrelateLONDON, MARCH 29, 2007 Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor of Westminster signaled his concern about the kind of culture British society is producing as religion is pushed to the margins. On the occasioread more
Attached files 2012cardinalwinninglecture.pdf (9.9 MB)
This is a non-official English translation, issued by the Vatican Information Service, of Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter “Summorum Pontificum,” issued “motu proprio,” on one’s own initiative, concerning the use of the read more
Pope Benedict XVI dedicated two recent trips in Italy, to Pavia and Assisi, to two saints of the highest calibre and of exceptional influence in the Church’s history: Augustine and Francis. And in both cases, pope Joseph Ratzinger focused attention uponread more
Bishop Urges Protection of Muslims, Jews and Christians
Discrimination against religions is an “open wound” in society, a Holy See representative said at the opening session of a conference of the Organization for Security and Cooperatioread more
Pope Benedict XVI says that the crisis of modernity arises from an attempt to separate the human person from his “full truth,” which includes his “transcendent vocation.” The Pope said this Swhen he received in audience in Paul VI read more
This is the text of the June 29 document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding clarifications regarding the Second Vatican Council’s teaching that the Church founded by Christ “subsists in the Catholic Church.” 10read more