In the introduction to the book he co-authored, McGrath admits that in the 1960s he was, as Dawkins is now, an atheist. Dawkins is an expert in evolutionary biology; similarly, […]
Articles relevant to aspects of religious faith, in particular Catholic Christianity.
In the introduction to the book he co-authored, McGrath admits that in the 1960s he was, as Dawkins is now, an atheist. Dawkins is an expert in evolutionary biology; similarly, […]
An “Apostate” from Itself: The Lost Europe of Pope Benedict by Sandro Magister Even before its separation from God, Joseph Ratzinger sees the old continent withdrawing from itself, from “its very […]
An “Apostate” from Itself: The Lost Europe of Pope Benedict by Sandro Magister Even before its separation from God, Joseph Ratzinger sees the old continent withdrawing from itself, from “its very […]
Religious Liberty Goes Beyond Worship, says PrelateLONDON, MARCH 29, 2007 Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor of Westminster signaled his concern about the kind of culture British society is producing as religion is […]
Attached files 2012cardinalwinninglecture.pdf (9.9 MB)
This is a non-official English translation, issued by the Vatican Information Service, of Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter “Summorum Pontificum,” issued “motu proprio,” on one’s own initiative, concerning the use of [&heread more
Pope Benedict XVI dedicated two recent trips in Italy, to Pavia and Assisi, to two saints of the highest calibre and of exceptional influence in the Church’s history: Augustine and […]
Bishop Urges Protection of Muslims, Jews and Christians Discrimination against religions is an “open wound” in society, a Holy See representative said at the opening session of a conference […]
Pope Benedict XVI says that the crisis of modernity arises from an attempt to separate the human person from his “full truth,” which includes his “transcendent vocation.” The Pope said […]
This is the text of the June 29 document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding clarifications regarding the Second Vatican Council’s teaching that the Church founded […]