Articles of particular relevance to teaching in Catholic schools.
Teachers are: agents of transformation;inspirers of wonder;encouragers of potential;messengers of meaning;nurturers of witnesses;healers of fear,prophets to the nation,co-creators with God The Experience of Teaching
an opportunity to serve in [&hellread more
GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL APPELLANTS (RESPONDENTS) MR D McNAB RESPONDENT (CLAIMANT) Transcript of Proceedings JUDGMENT APPEARANCES For the Appellants (Respondents) Mr I Truscott QC Instructed by: Glasgow City Council City Chambers […]
Michael McGrath (Director, Scottish Catholic Education Service)
The Church’s recent commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Papal visit to Scotland caused me to reflect […]
1. The Doctrinal Note is devoted principally to an exposition of the Catholic Church’s understanding of the Christian mission of evangelization, which is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ; […]
Leadership for Everyone – Interview With Author Alexandre HavardLeaders are not born, they are trained. And leadership is not something reserved to the elite, but is the vocation of many. […]
In a letter to the people of Rome, dated 23 January 2008, Pope Benedict XVI writes that every person and every generation must make fresh choices, without being able to […]
Meeting with Newly Qualified and Probationer Teachers
Diocesan Offices
Monday 27th October 2008
First of all, I want to welcome you to this […]
Meeting with P4 Teacher – Catechists
Diocesan Offices Paisley 30th October 2008
I have often described Catholic teachers as the principal co-workers […]
Rocco Buttiglione is a prestigious Catholic intellectual who in 2004 was deprived of a post in the European Union Commission because of his faith and “conservative” views. In a recent […]
This is a translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered on 7th February 2011 upon receiving in audience members of the Congregation for Catholic Education, gathered in their plenary assembly. […]