Companions on the Journey provides details of a CLPL strategy for teachers who wish to develop their capacities for “walking together” with children and young people in the context of a Catholic school. It recognises that […]
Companions on the Journey provides details of a CLPL strategy for teachers who wish to develop their capacities for “walking together” with children and young people in the context of a Catholic school. It recognises that […]
That very same day, two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking about all that had happened. Now as they […]
The main organisers used to identify CLPL opportunities which appropriately meet the needs of teachers in Catholic schools at various career stages are the 6 Catholic School CLPL Areas which cover […]
A national strategy group has been established to develop approaches which will support teachers who wish to develop their capacities for developing as professionals working within the context of Catholic […]
Educating is . . . an attitude, a way of being. In order to educate, it is necessary to step out of ourselves and be among young people, to accompany them in the stages of […]
An overview of the current guidance from SCES on using the self evaluation and PRD processes to plan CLPL opportunities for teachers in Catholic schools. This presentation will be useful […]
As part of a new strategic approach to supporting the professional learning of teachers in Catholic schools, our on-line CLPL catalogue provides details of 170 opportunities which are being provided in various parts of […]
View and download resources created by the national CLPL strategy group to support the PRD and CLPL process in Catholic schools in Scotland: The steps outlined below will be helpful […]
CLPL opportunities for session 2023/24, offered by all Dioceses, have now been added to our website. They can be accessed by clicking on the Professional Learning area on our homepage […]
Please find details below of our PFFA co-ordinator twilight sessions run by Liz Dornan. If your Diocesan/Local Authority area is not covered below and are interested in hosting a session […]