Course Title: Primary 7 R.E. Programme: This Is Our Faith 4; Date: 08/02/2011; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To explore and engage with the new RERC guidance […]
CPD Data
Course Title: Primary 7 R.E. Programme: This Is Our Faith 4; Date: 08/02/2011; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To explore and engage with the new RERC guidance […]
Course Title: Primary 6 R.E. Programme: This Is Our Faith 4; Date: 09/02/2011; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To explore and engage with the new RERC guidance […]
Course Title: Primary 5 R.E. Programme: This Is Our Faith 4; Date: 17/02/2011; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To explore and engage with the new RERC guidance […]
Course Title: Primary 2 R.E. Programme: This Is Our Faith 4; Date: 22/02/2011; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To explore and engage with the new RERC guidance […]
Course Title: Primary 1 R.E. Programme: This Is Our Faith 4; Date: 24/02/2011; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To explore and engage with the new RERC guidance […]
Course Title: Relationships & Moral Education: SRE for Home and School; Date: 19/10/2010; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To support teachers who will be using the P7 […]
Course Title: Relationships & Moral Education: SRE for Home and School; Date: 21/10/2010; Time: 10am – 3.30pm; Participants: Primary teachers; Aims: To support teachers who will be using the P7 […]
Course Title: “They set out at once”: Beginning the work of translating This is Our Faith (TIOF) into good religious education practice in classrooms in St Aidan’s cluster schools; Date: […]
Course Title: “They set out at once”: Beginning the work of translating This is Our Faith (TIOF) into good religious education practice in classrooms in Our Lady’s High & Taylor […]
Course Title: “They set out at once”: Beginning the work of translating This is Our Faith (TIOF) into good religious education practice in classrooms in St Ambrose cluster schools; Date: […]