The school The school has very well-developed and extensive self-evaluation approaches which are leading to improvements across all aspects of school practice. Staff place a high priority on raising standards […]
The school The school has very well-developed and extensive self-evaluation approaches which are leading to improvements across all aspects of school practice. Staff place a high priority on raising standards […]
The school All staff are improving continually the quality of their work and children’s learning experiences in a consistent way. The headteacher has a very clear vision for improving the […]
The school In the nursery and the primary, children are learning very well and most are achieving highly. Almost all children are very polite, well behaved, motivated and eager to […]
The school The headteacher and all staff demonstrate a strong commitment to the young people of St Andrew’s RC High School. Senior managers have successfully established a positive culture amongst […]
The school The headteacher demonstrates a high level of care and commitment to the school. She is well respected by staff, parents, and children and has developed a successful team […]
The school Overall, children are learning well. They are happy, respectful, well behaved and interested in learning. They feel, quite rightly, safe and well cared for. They work purposefully in […]