To encourage responsible and respectful use of the Internet for “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel”, SCES has produced a poster to illustrate the “10 Commandments for Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel on-line“. (NB This material read more
To encourage responsible and respectful use of the Internet for “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel”, SCES has produced a poster to illustrate the “10 Commandments for Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel on-line“. (NB This material read more
The 400th anniversary of the martyrdom of St John Ogilvie was celebrated at various events in Glasgow from 7th to 10th March 2015 and at the Church’s National Pilgrimage held in the town of Keith on 4th July 2015. Some resources were developed tread more
SCES has published a Liturgical Calendar Wallchart for academic year 2015-16 for use in schools and parishes. It is printed in full colour at B2 size (29 x 17 in) and will provide an excellent resource for classrooms and other display areas. The Calenread more
You can now order attractive posters which illustrate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These sets of 8 posters (A2 size) will offer useful leaning points for pupils as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation and when they participate in the Pope Fraread more
The national R.E. Syllabus, published by SCES and followed by all Catholic schools in Scotland, is entitled ‘This Is Our Faith’.
What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to our children who are now growing up? (Laudato Si #160) Pope Francis asks this in his encyclical addressed to “every person living on this planet” and invites us to enter into a diread more
“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience” Laudato Si #217 SCIAF have produced a resource for secondary schools to help pupils rread more
This short S4 unit outlines a short learning experience takes place in the school oratory during the Marian month of October. Each class is allocated a time to attend the school oratory during core R.E. A power point/movie-file is used to explore Maryread more
This S4 unit aims to deepen pupils’ understanding of the Holy Eucharist by re-visiting various topics which are covered in the Broad General Education (the Paschal Mystery, the theology of Salvation, the Mass etc.) and then introducing more complex idearead more
This S5 unit aims to deepen pupils’ understanding of the Holy Eucharist by re-visiting various topics which are covered in the Broad General Education (the Paschal Mystery, the theology of Salvation, the Mass etc.) and then introducing more complex ideread more