News Release
Catholic Schools are Bringing Values to Life
Throughout Catholic Education Week (1st to 7th February 2009) Scotland’s Catholic schools will celebrate their achievements in “Bringing Values to Life” for young people. A variety of support materials have been sent to all 393 Catholic schools and every one of Scotland’s 500 Catholic Parishes.
Commenting on the week, Michael McGrath, Director of the Scottish Catholic Education Service”, said: “At this time it is most appropriate that pupils, teachers and parents in Catholic schools are being urged to reflect on the values which young people need as the foundations of their lives, especially given the current global financial crisis which highlights the folly of building dreams on the promise of material success. Core values which will be highlighted include wisdom, justice, compassion and integrity. In schools, parishes and Dioceses across the country, various resources and opportunities have been provided to support this reflection.
Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, said that Catholic schools had always “sought to influence and develop the character, conscience and conduct of young people in ways which reflect religious values. This takes place through the example of those who work in our schools, the prayer life of the school and the opportunities provided for young people to become involved in meeting the needs of others.” Ms Hyslop added that the Scottish Government recognised “the work of Catholic schools in helping young people to acquire values and this will be enhanced through Curriculum for Excellence
Bishop Joseph Devine, President of the Catholic Education Commission, said: “Our young people are growing up in a world of conflicting values. Excellent Catholic schools play a significant role in helping young people understand how to “act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God” and thus to find true – and eternal – happiness.”
Notes for Editors: events
Saturday 31st January 2009 10.30am to 12.30pm
University of Glasgow’s Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre, Gibson Street, Glasgow
Cardinal Winning Education Lecture will be given by Archbishop Mario Conti on the theme ‘Catholic Education and Catholic Social Teaching’
Tuesday 3rd February, 9.30 to 10.30am
St Andrew’s Primary School, Hawley Road, Falkirk
Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop will visit St Andrew’s Primary school and meet pupils, teachers and parents.
Rt. Rev. Joseph Devine, Bishop of Motherwell and President of Catholic Education Commission will also participate in this visit.
For more details on Catholic Education Week:
§ visit the SCES website
§ telephone Michael McGrath 0141 556 4727 or 07793 746094