Catholic Education Week is due to be celebrated between Sunday 8th and Saturday 14th February 2015. Where this date clashes with school mid-term holidays in some part of the country, schools are encouraged to agree any change of date with local parishes to ensure that there are local celebration(s) in each parish and school.
This year’s theme – “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel” – is inspired by ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis. The theme provides a good opportunity for parents, schools and parishes to consider how we are all “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel” in word and action in our daily lives. This year there will be a particular appeal to all parish communities to encourage young people to consider aspiring towards Teaching as a profession which is so important to the formation of young people.
A small group has been working to provide some resources which will enable teachers to select and adapt activities which are best suited to the age and stage of their pupils. Details of these resources will be announced as they are uploaded to the SCES RESOURCES website
Schools are asked to keep SCES informed of any activities by emailing photographs and stories which can be uploaded to the SCES website.