As explained in the publication Companions on the Journey and other recent correspondence, our new national Catholic School CLPL strategy commits us to publishing details of available CLPL opportunities on the SCES website. It is hoped that, by making this information openly available and accessible to all, we can support teachers as they plan their professional learning and development. Catholic School CLPL details for session 2016/17 are now available for viewing here on the SCES website. Head Teachers are asked to draw these events to the attention of all teachers.
The following points should be noted:
- We have posted all the CLPL opportunities of which we have been notified so far. We anticipate that more courses/events from other providers will be added to this catalogue in the coming days.
- Each CLPL Provider will also provide these details in other ways – in fliers, on their own websites etc.
- Places on courses can be “reserved” using the on-line booking system. However, each school is responsible for confirming the booking arrangements (processing Purchase Orders etc.,) with the relevant CLPL provider.
- Schools are encouraged to notify SCES of any other relevant CLPL events in their diocese /area /cluster group so that these can be publicised on the SCES website.
Comments or suggestions on this information can be added to this post or can be emailed to SCES at clpl@sces.org.uk