CEW Archive

2015: “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel”

The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. (Evangelii Gaudium #1)

From 8th to 15th February 2015 Scotland’s Catholic families, schools and parishes celebrated how they were  “Proclaimng the Joy of the Gospel” in their daily lives.  This theme was inspired by  ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis.

Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel from SCES on Vimeo.

2014: “Shining the Light of Faith”

From 23rd February to 1st March 2014 Scotland’s Catholic schools and parishes celebrated how they are engaged in the vital work of “Shining the Light of Faith”.

This theme emerged from ‘Lumen Fidei’, the first encyclical of Pope Francis who said:

The light of Christ shines, as in a mirror, upon the face of Christians; as it spreads it comes down to us, so that we too can share in that vision and reflect that light to others, in the same that, i the Easter liturgy, the light of the paschal candle lights countless other candles.” (Lumen Fidei #37)

2013: “Opening Hearts and Minds to God”

From 3rd to 9th February 2013 Scotland’s Catholic schools and parishes celebrated how they are engaged in the vital work of “Opening Hearts and Minds to God”.  This theme reflected one of the key aspects of faith which was emphasised by Pope Benedict XVI when he introduced the Church’s Year of Faith:

“What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness of people enlightened in mind and heart by the word of the Lord, and capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God and for true life, life without end.”  (Porta Fidei, #15)

The 2013 Cardinal Winning Education Lecture took place in the University of Glasgow on 15th June 2013 and formed part of the launch of the St. Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education. Archbishop Gerhard Muller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave the lecture.

2012:  TIOF Strands web logo.jpg“This Is Our Faith

This theme marked the publication of a new Scottish Religious Education syllabus which is expected to be used in every Catholic primary and secondary school in Scotland, following the granting of its ‘Decree of Recognitio’ by the Holy See in Rome.

The 12th annual Cardinal Winning Education Lecture in 2012 was given in the University of Glasgow by Dr Liam Gearon, University of Oxford and Senior Research Fellow at Harris Manchester College on the theme: ‘European Religious Education and European Civil Religion’.

2011: “Grow in holiness: become saints of the 21st century ”  CEW 2011 Poster.jpg

This theme was taken from the words of Pope Benedict XVI when he spoke to children and young people during his UK visit in September 2010.  It enables schools to help young people to reflect on the significance of these words for their lives and the impact on their actions – at home, in school and in the community.  In effect, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged all young people to lead lives of goodness and to become responsible citizens who will change the world for the better.

The 10th annual Cardinal Winning Education Lecture in 2011 was given by Professor James Arthur on the theme: ‘The Ebbing Tide of Catholic Education?’.

 2010: Shining the Light of Christ shining logo VERSION2.jpg

SCES provided materials to schools and parishes to support them in highlighting the importance of  the 2010 theme: Shining the Light of Christ.

The 9th annual Cardinal Winning Education Lecture in 2010 was on the theme:Catholic Schools in Scotland: present and future.  It was arranged in a format which reflected the nature of partnership working in Catholic Education in Scotland and featured 3 contributors.



The 8th annual Cardinal Winning Education Lecture was given in 2009 by Most Rev. Mario Conti, Archbishop of Glasgow, on the theme: ‘Catholic Education and Catholic Social Teaching’.

In a moment of world economic slow-down, when financial constraints are likely to play an ever greater role in the lives of all institutions and individuals, the Archbishop situated the role of Catholic schools in this context, reflecting on the lessons to be learned from 100 years of Catholic Social Teaching and other landmark documents, most especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on its 60th anniversary of publication.

To read the text of this lecture, click here.


The 2CARDINAL-WINNING-LECTURE-wee.jpg008 Cardinal Winning Education Lecture was given by First Minister Alex Salmond on the theme: ‘Celebrating Catholic Education in Scotland’.

The First Minister spoke in glowing terms about the contribution of Catholic schools in Scotland and insisted: “It’s time to celebrate Catholic education in Scotland.”

To read the text of the First Minister’s lecture, click here.