The Catholic School: Developing in Faith

The redefinition of Catholic schools’ identity for the 21st century is an urgent task.

The purpose of the publication The Catholic School: DEVELOPING IN FAITH is to encourage and assist Catholic school communities – staff, students, parents and parish – to engage in professional reflection, discussion and action which will help their schools to develop as communities of faith and learning. It will help to focus attention on “the nature and distinctive characteristics of a school which would present itself as Catholic” (The Catholic School, Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, 1977, n2). It is intended to complement and enhance the normal processes of school evaluation and planning for improvement by promoting a particular focus on the distinctive faith characteristics of a Catholic school.  Effective use of this resource will help a Catholic school to:

  • reflect on the educational vision on which it is founded
  • evaluate how the school is being faithful to the faith mission which it receives from the Church
  • plan particular ways for the school to develop as a Catholic community of faith and learning
  • report annually on its development to members of the wider faith community – parents, parish and Diocese.

Sections of the Document