Description Goes Here.

Resource Name | CEW 2012 Materials |
Create Date | 24/07/2015 |
Last Updated | 25/07/2015 |
what is faith.wmv

What Faith Can Do.wmv

life_is_like_cup_coffee video.wmv

Faith video.wmv

CEW 2012Primary Resource.pdf

CEW 2012 Thoughts for the day_Notes.doc

CEW 2012 Thoughts for the Day.ppt

CEW 2012 Speaker Notes 2012.doc

CEW 2012 Secondary Resource.pdf

CEW 2012 Secondary CEW Prayer.doc

CEW 2012 Secondary assembly.ppt

CEW 2012 School Newsletter Template.doc

CEW 2012 School Newsletter complete.pdf

CEW 2012 S6 Lessons.ppt

CEW 2012 SS4 Lessons.ppt

CEW 2012 S2 Lessons.ppt

CEW 2012 S1 Lessons.ppt

CEW 2012 Resources files.doc

CEW 2012 Primary Prayer.doc

CEW 2012 Primary assembly.ppt

CEW 2012 Prayers of Intercession.doc

CEW 2012 Parent Meeting Powerpoint.ppt

CEW 2012 Parent Meeting Materials.doc

CEW 2012 Liturgical Resources.pdf

's Liturgy Resource.doc

Celebrating Our Faith video

ASN Lessons ppt

Advice to Parents on TIOF

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