The process below has been developed as a PLA (Professional Learning Activity) to help in the integration of 'Developing In Faith' into your whole school planning and improvement cycle.
This activity can be used by individual staff, stage partners, departments or at whole school level.
The files are templates for recording your journey and examples of what that may look like. The chosen theme for the examples is "Serving the Common Good", however the step by step process can be used for any of the themes from Developing In Faith.
Step One: | Identify Q.I.s and theme from Developing In Faith for school improvement plan* and write your priorities
Step Two: | Consider and plan CLPL required for staff** to unpack Q.I.s and ‘Developing In Faith’ Theme
Step Three: | Gather evidence of all that the school currently does within the chosen DIF theme
(at this stage the evidence will be a broad indication of what already happens: a list collated by staff & pupils, photographs, minutes from meetings etc) |
Step Four: | Choose a number of activities from the list to focus on and evaluate
(e.g. focus on activities that have been running for some years without change, or a new initiative that needs reviewed) |
Step five: | Gather qualitative and quantitative evidence across the year
(use your formal and informal methods as per all other aspects of school self evaluation evidence collation: people’s views, observations, tracking etc) |
Step six: | Review the evidence and consider the impact
Step seven: | Evaluate the impact and consider next steps
(use your school’s own process for this step such as staff meeting, short term working group, questionnaires etc) |
Step Eight: | Write a summary evaluative statement for your improvement plan
(consider who should be involved in this step – only the HT? the working group? Parents?) |
Step Nine: | Share this with stakeholders using your usual forum and adjust your evaluation after discussion, if necessary
(parent council, staff meetings, pupil council, newsletter, website, social media etc) |
Step Ten: | Integrate the findings to your overall school report. ‘Cut and paste’ the summary and send it to SCES
(use on-line report form OR send by Word Document directly to SCES) |
*Your local authority may call the School Improvement Plan by another name
** You may want to consider a wider group than staff. Some schools have included parents, community partners and pupils in their evaluation and school improvement plans.
File |
DIF summary Conference 2017 Serving The Common Good |
Conference 2017 Serving The Common Good |
A3 DIF Serving The Common Good |
Version | |
Download | 298 |
Stock | ∞ |
Total Files | 3 |
Create Date | 25/10/2017 |
Last Updated | 25/10/2017 |