Already a Laudato Si’ School?
Over 40% of our schools have already registered for LSSS. As well as the resource folder and website materials there are also a series of CLPL and resource videos to help explain what being a Laudato Si’ School means and ways to integrate ecological education into whole schools life. Click on the links below to access the video files.
Laudato Si’ CLPL videos for staff:
Module 1: What is Laudato Si’ ? (26 minutes)
Module 2: Laudato Si’- more than just the environment (27 minutes)
Module 3: Laudato Si’ and our Christian Responsibility –What is Laudato Si’ Schools Scotland? (25 minutes)
Module 4: The Encyclical - A Teacher exploration of Laudato Si' (25 minutes)
Module 5: Laudato Si' Schools - resources to explore the themes from the Encyclical (27minutes)
Watch our latest module from SCIAF and Justice & Peace Scotland. This short presentation shares a host of resources and support for schools.
The Pope Invites you to celebrate Laudato Si Week on 25th May 2021
Laudato Si’ Animation (secondary schools)
Earthbeat – daily web updates (Season of Creation)
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