NATIONAL CONFERENCE: EXPLORING THE GOD QUESTION at the Conforti Institute, Coatbridge on Thursday 28th November 2013
This conference, organised by SCES in association with Kharis Productions, is intended to introduce teachers to an exciting new resource which has been designed to raise significant questions about Religion and Science. This resource is based on an international TV series which offers insights from some of the world’s leading thinkers – theists, atheists and agnostics. It will stimulate students at the senior phase to reflect, to understand and to move towards their own conclusions on some of the most challenging questions in life.
The conference is aimed at teachers of Religious Education and teachers of Science in Catholic schools. In both curricular areas teachers are expected to engage senior phase students in exploring the links between Science and Religion and in addressing significant moral and ethical issues in today’s world. The conference will illustrate how useful this resource can be in supporting this area of learning and it will address ways in which Catholic schools might extend teachers’ understanding of Church teaching on some challenging issues.
The Conference Fee will provide one Group Study Pack, comprising a 3-disc DVD Box set, 10 Study Guides and 1 Teachers’ Manual in PDF format to each school. It also covers the cost of a school sending 2 delegates – ideally a teacher of Religious Education and a teacher of Science.
N.B. Places at this event will be limited by available accommodation. To book places, return the attached booking form or contact Julie McGinness on 0141 556 4727 or email :