News Release
EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01 Tuesday 20 January 2009
In an outstanding HMIe report, St Luke’s High School has been described as “excellent” in four categories out of a possible five.
St Luke’s was judged to be sector leading for improvements in performance, meeting learning needs, the curriculum and improvement through self-evaluation. School inspectors noted particular strengths in consistently high exam performance, high levels of involvement in the community by pupils, the focus of all staff on meeting all learning needs and encouraging all pupils to get involved in the life of the school.
Head Teacher Patricia Scott said: “Everyone in St Luke’s is delighted with the report. It is a tribute to the hard work of our excellent pupils, a staff that is a team in every sense of the word, and superb support from parents, church and council. If there’s a secret to our success it’s that we make each pupil the focus of all that we do to ensure that each and every one achieves to the limits of his or her ability. As a Catholic school we promote Gospel values and that includes encouraging pupils to become involved in the school and their community. I was very pleased that the inspectors commented favourably on activities such as our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes which teaches our young people the values of working with sick people and showing care for others.”
Bishop Philip Tartaglia, Bishop of Paisley, said: “This is an exceptionally good HMI Report, which places St. Luke’s among the best performing schools in the country. The commitment of the staff, the dedication of the pupils and the school’s Catholic ethos all contribute to its success. I am delighted for everyone at St. Luke’s and congratulate them on their outstanding achievement.”
Michael McGrath, Director of the Scottish Catholic Education Service, said: “I am delighted that the efforts of St Luke’s High School have been recognised in this way. It offers another sign of the value of Catholic education to the local community and to Scotland as a whole.”