Holy Family Primary School is a denominational school with a non denominational nursery class. It serves the Kirkintilloch and Lenzie areas of East Dunbartonshire. The roll was 385, including 88 in the nursery when the inspection was carried out in June 2009. Around a fifth of children attend the school as a result of parental placing requests. Children’s attendance was above the national average in 2007/2008.
Particular strengths of the school
- Highly-motivated children who are keen to learn and proud of their own and each other’s achievements.
- Children’s confidence and leadership both inside and outside the classroom.
- The quality of relationships among children and staff.
- Consistently effective teaching which provides children with challenging and worthwhile experiences.
- The commitment of staff across the school to improving children’s learning, and the quality of leadership shown by the headteacher and senior staff.
- Partnerships with parents, support agencies and the wider community to meet children’s learning needs.
Examples of good practice
- Financial education.
- Learning through chess.