The school
Holy Rood Roman Catholic High School is a denominational school which serves the east side of the City of Edinburgh. The roll was 928 when the inspection was carried out in March 2011. Young people’s attendance was below the national average in 2009/2010.
Particular strengths of the school
- Young people who are well motivated and show respect and consideration for others.
- Partnership working to support young people who require additional support in their learning.
- Welcoming and inclusive ethos of the school.
- Clear strategic leadership provided by the headteacher.
- Strong and increasing leadership by staff across the school with a clear focus on improving young people’s learning and achievements.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to develop consistent approaches to active learning across the school.
- Continue to take steps to raise levels of attainment and achievement, including tracking learners’ progress more effectively.
- Build on areas of current good practice to give young people a greater voice in their learning.