Holyrood Secondary School is a denominational school which serves a large area of the south side of Glasgow. The roll was 1950 when the inspection was carried out in January 2010. Young people’s attendance had improved to above the national average in 2007/08. The proportion of young people entitled to free school meals was well above the national average. English was an additional language for around a fifth of young people on the school roll.
Particular strengths of the school
- Courteous, self-motivated and respectful young people who take pride in their school.
- Staff leading improvements in learning and their provision of out-of-class activities.
- Young people’s wider achievements and high levels of attainment.
- Links with partners and community groups supporting young people’s learning and their move on from secondary school.
- The strong community of faith and Christian values which underpin the school’s work.
- The strong lead given by the headteacher in establishing and delivering a clear vision for school improvement.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority.
- Continue to improve the quality of learning consistently across the school.