The Catholic School: Developing in Faith
The purpose of the resource “The Catholic School: Developing in Faith” is to help school leaders incorporate into their school evaluation and planning processes an appropriate focus on the particular […]
The purpose of the resource “The Catholic School: Developing in Faith” is to help school leaders incorporate into their school evaluation and planning processes an appropriate focus on the particular […]
Click on the link to read and download this week’s reflection: first-sunday-of-advent Within our schools we use the Liturgical Calendar as a focus for planning experiences of faith lived, celebrated, prayed […]
This unit focuses on the Church as the instrument of Revelation and the locus for our response. The life of faith is presented in this unit as involving four aspects, […]
You can now order attractive posters which illustrate the NEW Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These sets of 8 posters (A2 size) will offer useful learning points for pupils as […]
Pope Francis gave during this catechesis at the general audience in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday 11th May 2016. Today, we wish to reflect on the parable of the merciful Father. […]
Companions on the Journey provides details of a CLPL strategy for teachers who wish to develop their capacities for “walking together” with children and young people in the context of a Catholic school. This strategy is designed to […read more
On Friday 8th April 2016 the Vatican published Pope Francis’ eagerly-awaited Apostolic Exhortation on the family, drawing together almost three years of consultations with Catholics in countries around the world. […]
This leaflet has been written to introduce parents to THIS IS OUR FAITH – the guidance which teachers in Catholic schools follow when planning and teaching programmes of Religious Education. Further resources are being […]
Resources to promote reflection, prayer and learning through Lent and Easter are now available on the SCES website (under Resources on menu bar above). These include materials to promote understanding of Lenten Scripture […]