The following resources provide opportunities for learning about the Season of Lent. Most of these relate to the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. Some take the form of Stations of the Cross, designed to interest young people in particular.
Stations of Cross in a modern context
297.50 KB 41 downloads
297.50 KB 41 downloads
Were You There?
13.89 MB 26 downloads
13.89 MB 26 downloads
Prayers for Stations of the Cross
85.52 KB 12 downloads
85.52 KB 12 downloads
A Way of the Cross
2.76 MB 21 downloads
2.76 MB 21 downloads
Stations of the Cross
829.50 KB 504 downloads
829.50 KB 504 downloads
Holy Week Colouring
1.14 MB 64 downloads
1.14 MB 64 downloads
Passover and Holy Week
2.21 MB 22 downloads
2.21 MB 22 downloads