Lourdes Secondary School is a denominational school which serves the Cardonald area of the city of Glasgow. The roll was 1239 when the inspection was carried out in February 2009, including a comparatively high number of young people for whom English was an additional language. Young people’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2007/2008. At the time of the inspection, the headteacher was on secondment. The school had an acting headteacher and two acting depute headteachers.
Particular strengths of the school
- Courteous and hard-working young people who are keen to learn and to have a voice in the life of the school.
- The school’s success in developing values in young people and raising money for charities.
- The contribution of support for learning staff to meeting learning needs.
Examples of good practice
- The INDIE project (Inclusion and Diversity).
- Fairtrade activities.