On 8th September, Bishop Philip Tartaglia will be installed as the Archbishop of Glasgow.
You may wish to pray for him and for the Archdiocese in the days leading up to the celebration. A form of Novena prayer is available for this.
How to pray the Novena
- Begin with the sign of the Cross
- Recite the “Our Father”, “Hail Mary” and “Glory be”
- Pray for the day’s intention (see below)
- Conclude with the Novena Prayer. (see below)
Daily Intentions
Day 1
For our Holy Father the Pope: May the Lord preserve him, give him life, make him blessed upon the earth and keep him safe from the hands of his enemies.
Day 2
For Priests and deacons: that you given them this day the gift you gave your disciples on
the way to Emmaus: your presence in their hearts, your holiness in their souls, your joy in their spirits.
Day 3
For religious: that in prayerful observance of a life of poverty, chastity and obedience, they might be witnesses to us that as St Paul says “our true citizenship is in heaven.” Give them, Lord, the grace of joy and perseverance in their vocation.
Day 4
For Vocations: That the Lord will call from among us more men and women who will serve you as priests, deacons and religious. By their way of life, may they provide a convincing sign of your Kingdom for the Church and the whole world.
Day 5
For married couples: that they might give witness to the beauty of their sacrament through their love for each other and so be an instrument for the conversion of others.
Day 6
For the sick: Almighty and eternal God, you are the everlasting health of those who believe in you. We implore the aid of your tender mercy for all who are sick, that being restored to bodily health, they may give thanks to you in your church.
Day 7
For our young people: Be with them, as they experience sorrow and joy, loneliness and friendship, success and failure. Give to them the courage and strength to make the right decisions as they journey through life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, may they come to know and experience your loving care.
Day 8
For the leaders of our nation: Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude those who govern our country. May they always seek the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy. Grant that they may be enabled by your powerful protection to lead our country with honesty and integrity.
Day 9
For the Archdiocese of Glasgow: Pour out on us the gifts of your Holy Spirit so that we may know the paths we must follow to build up your kingdom. May we grow in faith and encourage one another with words of hope. Bless Archbishop Mario with health and strength to enjoy a long retirement.
“Let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of thy word and the praising of thy name”.
Novena Prayer
Father you built your Church on the foundations of the Apostles and willed that their ministry be continued through the bishops.
We ask you to send your Spirit on Bishop Philip whom you have chosen to be our new Archbishop. Give him every gift for the proclamation of the Gospel that he may make known your liberating truth in today’s world.
Make him holy and may he model himself on the High Priesthood of Jesus Christ, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Give him the spirit of wisdom as he shares in the service of leadership which you have entrusted in your Church to the bishops.
Bless our Archdiocese, that during the coming Year of Faith, all may passionately desire to witness to their faith so that the Gospel may be heard and so that we might all come together to eternal life with your Son.
We make our prayer through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Saint Mungo, pay for us.