The school
The school has very well-developed and extensive self-evaluation approaches which are leading to improvements across all aspects of school practice. Staff place a high priority on raising standards of attainment and achievement for all young people.
The school’s in-house continuing professional development programme is pivotal in the school’s approach to quality improvement. Focusing on delivering priorities identified in the school improvement plan, it has resulted in a vibrant professional learning community with staff clearly focused on working together to secure improvement.
The headteacher’s outstanding leadership is highly valued by staff, parents, partners and young people who have confidence in his consultative and inclusive approaches. Together with his depute headteachers, he provides clear strategic direction and guidance and is committed to delivering the school’s values, vision and aims. They encourage, support and challenge staff and young people to reach their potential, be innovative and contribute to the continuous improvement of the school. Leadership across the school, including that of young people, is a strong feature of the school.
Key strengths of the school
- The leadership of the headteacher, senior managers, staff and young people across the
school. - Approaches to implementing Curriculum for Excellence.
- Young people’s levels of attainment and quality and range of achievements.
- Well-coordinated, partnership and collaborative approaches to supporting young people’s
social, emotional and learning needs. - Commitment and skill of staff in using self-evaluation to improve the school.
- Consistently high expectations of staff and young people’s attitude to work.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to build on the very effective work in developing the curriculum and taking
forward the school’s plans for the senior phase. - Share the good and innovative practice in the school more widely both locally and