On Friday the 7th September, pupils and staff of OUr Lady’s High School in Cumbernauld celebrated the Feast of the Birthday of Our Lady. The special occasion allowed the school community to celebrate their generous fundraising efforts and to present a cheque to SCIAF for £3000. The money raised had been collected mainly through fundraising events on the school campus.
The cheque was presented to the SCIAF’S John Sharp at a special Mass offered by Father Thomson of St. Joseph’s, Stepps. While the school chose to mark this occasion with many different events, the Mass allowed pupils an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of the day.
Head Teacher Michael Currie said: “At Christmas we focus on local charities and during Lent we put the focus on global organisations like SCIAF. The children are very heavily involved and everyone is extremely generous.”
Mr. Sharp added that a great deal of praise should go to the school. He said: “SCIAF is extremely fortunate to have the fantastic support of the pupils and teachers at Our Lady’s High School. They really are champion fundraisers and we will make sure that every penny they have raised will be spent on helping some of the poorest people in the world to have a brighter future.”
Mr. Sharp finally added “On behalf of everyone at SCIAF and the thousands of people we work with overseas I would like to thank Our Lady’s High School for this cheque and their on-going support.”