Our Lady’s High School is a denominational school which serves the communities of Cumbernauld, Muirhead, Cardowan and Stepps.
The roll was 880 when the inspection was carried out in March 2010. Young people’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2008/2009.
Particular strengths of the school
- Confident and well-motivated young people working successfully within a very positive ethos.
- Staff’s commitment to working together to improve the life of the school.
- Links with external partners and agencies, in particular the home school partnership.
- The commitment of the senior management team and staff to promote the school as a Catholic community of faith and learning.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and the education authority.
- Continue to develop self-evaluation approaches ensuring improvement in young people’s learning experiences and to raise attainment.
- Further develop with partners more systematic approaches to enrich young people’s learning experiences and accreditation of their achievements.