Next year Pope Francis has called an “Extraordinary Synod” of Bishops from around the world to discuss the Church’s pastoral care for families and the challenges for the Church in responding to changes in family life. The Holy Father is keen that as many Catholics as possible should have the opportunity to reflect on these issues and have their views and experiences heard by the bishops who will attend next year’s Synod in Rome. A preparatory document has been published to set out some of the issues for consideration and this contains some questions to which responses are invited.
Given the signficance of these issues for the Church, for families and for society at large, it would seem wise for young people in the senior stages of secondary school to be encouraged to offer their views on some of these issues. Teachers of Religious Education are encouraged to facilitate discussion of, and responses to, some of the questions raised. Thereafter, any views collected in this way should be sent to the local Diocese for collation.
NB Your Diocese may offer an opportunity for an on-line response to the preparatory document.