SCES was established as an agency of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland to implement their strategic plans for Catholic Education. We work with a range of individual colleagues, partner associations and Church agencies in our efforts to promote and support Catholic education in Scotland. Some of this work involves discussion and consultation with officials from local Councils, the Scottish Government, many educational organisations and other groups. Other work includes the development of resources and support materials for schools and parishes.
[show-team orderby=’lastname’ category=’sces-staff’ layout=’grid’ style=’img-square,text-center,img-above,2-columns,white-box-theme’ display=’photo,position,name’]
We are fortunate in having the invaluable support of various colleagues who offer assistance with various pieces of work on a part-time and occasional basis.
[show-team orderby=’lastname’ category=’sces-volunteers’ url=’active_new’ layout=’grid’ style=’,text-left,img-above,3-columns,card-theme’ display=’social,smallicons,name’]
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