View and download resources created by the national CLPL strategy group to support the PRD and CLPL process in Catholic schools in Scotland:
The steps outlined below will be helpful when planning CLPL in a Catholic school:
The effective identification of CLPL needs is critical in ensuring that teachers are supported effectively and are encouraged to remain engaged in purposeful professional learning throughout their careers. Mechanisms have been developed to ensure that providers plan to develop various CLPL opportunities and resources in response to the identification of specific needs which will be suggested mainly by teachers in schools. At a national level, some CLPL needs are considered by the CLPL Strategy Group who review various national developments likely to have an impact on Catholic schools. Schools will, of course, plan for the CLPL implications of any particular local developments. Teachers are encouraged to identify and suggest particular learning opportunities which will benefit their professional development. Information about Catholic School CLPL provision is co-ordinated and published so that it is widely available via the SCES website as the main portal for access to information and resources on Catholic education in Scotland. Teachers are able to use an on-line booking system to reserve places on courses with CLPL providers who form part of the Catholic school CLPL network. Links to on-line CLPL resources, documents, video clips, podcasts etc., will also be made available.
Schools and Teachers- Identify CLPL needs
- teachers reflect on PRD questions before their meeting with their mentor/line manager;
- teachers identify CLPL needs during PRD interviews;
- school identifies CLPL opportunities that meet the needs of the teacher and the priorities in school improvement plan
Providers plan CLPL
- CLPL is designed to meet teacher needs, school improvement plans and Church priorities;
- CLPL opportunities publicised via school networks, Diocesan newsletters, provider websites
Schools and Teachers participate in CLPL activities
- schools and teachers book CLPL places on-line or through provider
- schools monitor & evaluate CLPL impact on learning and teaching
- teachers use the GTCS Professional Update tool to maintain their record of CLPL