“Love – Caritas – is an extraordinary force.”
All Catholic secondary schools in Scotland have been invited to participate in a pilot scheme for a new award which is being created to recognise and promote young people who commit time in their final school year to serving the needs of others in school and parish communities.
The Pope Benedict XVI CARITAS AWARD is intended to give public recognition to the achievements of individual young people who have demonstrated that their religious beliefs and values have influenced their commitments and actions in the service of others, particularly within their parish and local faith communities. Thus it is intended to recognise love which is inspired by friendship with God, love which is offered in service to others, love which is expressed in practical actions which are intended for the common good. NB The award scheme is open to pupils of all faiths and denominations.
Catholic secondary schools have been invited to enrol some S6 pupils in the pilot scheme which will run from June 2011 to May 2012. It is also possible for parishes which are not associated with a local Catholic secondary school to nominate young people for the award.
The inaugural year of the award is being generously supported by the Knights of St Columba.