Chief among the messages of congratulations sent to all 913 young people who have merited the Caritas Award in 2013, was one sent by Pope Francis, and read out by Archbishop Phiip Tartaglia at the award cermony in Glasgow’s Clyde Auditorium on Sunday 2nd June 2013. This is the main text of a letter which was sent on behalf of the Pope by Cardinal Bertone, Secretary of State:
His Holiness Pope Francis was pleased to be informed of the Benedict XVI Caritas Award ceremony taking place on Sunday 2 June 2013 at the Clyde Auditorium in Glasgow, and he sends his heartfelt greetings to all who are taking part. He appreciates the generosity shown by these 900 young people from all over Scotland and he encourages them to continue to place their lives and their talents at the service of their fellow men and women, especially those most in need.
As Pope Benedict taught, justice requires us to ensure that those around us receive what is rightly theirs, but charity transcends justice and completes it by prompting us to give what is ours and to forgive any wrongs we may have suffered (cf. Caritas in Veritate), in his way mirroring the gratuitous love shown to us by our Creator.
Commending all the award winners and their families to the intercession of Saint Andrew and Saint Margaret of Scotland, His Holiness cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing.