Catholic Primary schools and parishes have been invited to be involved in PHASE 2 of the pilot scheme for the Pope Francis FAITH AWARD, starting in Advent 2014. It is intended that this will involve young people currently in Primary 6, will begin at the start of Advent 2014 and will last until May/June 2016. Schools which wish to be involved should discuss this with their local parish before returning the attached application form asap (see Attachments list below). While we hope to be able to include a large number of schools in Phase 2, we cannot guarantee every school’s inclusion. Applications will be processed in sequence as we receive them.
NB It is also possible for parishes where there are no Catholic schools to enrol young people for the award. See separate PARISH form below.
The Pope Francis FAITH AWARD is designed to help children to show “signs of love” in their daily lives and to be active members of their local Church. The FAITH AWARD invites young people to use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and to see how they can bear fruit in their homes, schools and parishes. It is directly connected to what young people are learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation.
What will Phase 2 of the pilot scheme involve?
Phase 2 Pilot schools will enrol current Primary 6 pupils for the Pope Francis FAITH AWARD. Some resources will be supplied to enable you to inform parents about the scheme and to help pupils to put the Gifts of the Holy Spirit into action: in school, at home, and in the parish.
How can you be involved?
1 Discuss the idea with your parish priest, whose agreement to participate is essential.
2 Enter your details below and return this form to SCES by 30th September 2014. We shall reply to confirm if we are able to accommodate you in Phase 2. Thereafter we would suply you with a letter for use in informing parents about the award.
3 Provide the name of the P6 class teacher who must attend an afternoon briefing meeting on either 4th November in Stirling or 11th November in Glasgow.
Schools which were unsuccessful in being included in Phase 1 of the pilot will be given priority for being included in Phase 2, but they must still return the enclosed pro forma. Those schools which are already involved in the Phase 1 pilot are asked to indicate if they wish their current P6 cohort to be enrolled in Phase 2.