Click on the link to read and download this week’s reflection: first-sunday-of-advent
Within our schools we use the Liturgical Calendar as a focus for planning experiences of faith lived, celebrated, prayed and professed.
In addition to the R.E. lessons that we plan, schools use the Liturgical Year to reflect the seasons of the Church’s life and to respond to the themes contained within the Scripture passages. As an aid to this learning, each week we will post a short reflection based on the readings from the Sunday liturgy.
These reflections, written by one of our parish priests, can be used in a number of ways.
You may want to read them as you prepare for Mass on your own or with your class. You may find them helpful as you revisit the passages from Scripture and contemplate the words, while considering what impact they have on you. You may find them useful for leading a school assembly or a time of prayer and meditation. However you decide to use them, we hope that they help you and your class respond to the personal invitation to faith from God.
Click on the link to read and download previous reflections:
If you would like to read the Gospel of the day and contemplate the significance by reflecting on a homily, then you may find this website helpful: