Resources are now available to support the celebration of Catholic Education Week in schools and parishes from Sunday 12th to Saturday 18th February 2012. (Where school holidays fall at this time, schools and parishes are encouraged to organise their celebrations so that Education Sunday can be celebrated on Sunday 19th February.
THEME: “This is our Faith.”
This year’s theme is taken from the Catholic Rite of Baptism: “This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord.” It is also the title of the Church’s new Religious Education Syllabus. It is intended to encourage pupils, teachers, parents and clergy to focus on the profession of faith which is promoted in homes, schools and parishes.
Resources have been developed to support schools and parishes in their efforts to highlight the importance of this theme. Some resources are being mailed out to parishes and others will be provided to schools on a CD and also on the SCES RESOURCES section of this website.