“Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey.” (Lumen Fidei, #57)
From 23rd February to 1st March 2014 Scotland’s Catholic schools and parishes will celebrate how they support children and young people to ensure that they are “Shining the Light of Faith” in their daily lives. This theme has been inspired by the first Encyclical of Pope Francis: ‘Lumen Fidei’ (The Light of Faith).
The following resources have been developed to support schools and parishes to address the theme: ‘Shining the Light of Faith’. Copies of some printed resources have been sent to schools and parishes. Other resources can be downloaded using the links below. (NB Most resources can only be accessed by subscribers to the SCES RESOURCES service.) To renew your subscription or to be reminded of your log-in name and password, phone Julie McGinness on 0141 556 4727.
Printed Resources |
A range of liturgical materials for use on Education Sunday and during CEW:
Prayer Cards |
‘Lumen Fidei’ Prayer card with interactive link to message from Bishops |
Website Resources |
suggested intercessory prayers for use at Mass on Education Sunday |
notes for school representative(s) speaking at Education Sunday Mass |
Parent Resource | advice for parents on being involved in “Shining the Light of Faith” | |
notes and script for a school Assembly on “Shining the Light of Faith” theme |
text can be inserted into school newsletters or used as complete |
a short Prayer service in PowerPoint format |
PowerPoint presentation with 10 key quotations taken from ‘Lumen Fidei’, The slides can be used at the beginning of the school day as pupils say morning prayers, in an assembly, or on interactive display boards. |
a range of learning activities set out in ‘placemat’ format to support learning around quotations from ‘Lumen Fidei’, with links to ‘This Is Our Faith’. |
Secondary Learning PowerPoint | Secondary Learning activities presented in PowerPoint format | |
Video & Audio resources |
N.B. Some of these files are very large and may take some time to download. |
Bishops’ Message | Archbishop Tartaglia delivers a message from the Bishops of Scotland | |
“Shining the Light of Faith” Assembly movie | Movie file for use in “Shining the Light of Faith” Assembly – text, image & music (3 min. 26 sec.) | |
Thy Word is a Lamp | Movie file with images & music (3 mins. 16 secs.) | |
Movie file with images & music of Christ Be Our Light hymn (4 mins.) |
Discipleship | animation which questions what it means to be a disciple of Christ (1 min. 58 secs.) | |
animation which considers what we mean when we recite Creed (2 mins. 56 secs.) |
St Francis of Assisi | Movie presentation which reflects on the life of Francis of Assisi (7 mins. 45 secs.) | |
Hymn audios | The Summons; Walk in the Light of the Lord; City of God | |
Hymn videos | Christ Be Our Light; Shine Jesus Shine; This Little Light of Mine |