Schools and parishes across Scotland celebrate Catholic Education Week in various ways which show how they are “shining the light of faith” in their local communities. Some of their stories are illustrated in words and in pictures below. Send some from your community and we will feature them here.
St Martin’s Primary School, Tranent
On Thursday, 27th February the whole school celebrated Catholic Education Week in St. Martin’s RC Church. The afternoon was a great success. We invited along parents, friends and parishioners to celebrate with us. The pupils of Primary 7 led the service but were assisted by representatives from all the other classes.
The church was decorated with posters that were individually designed by every class from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Also, keeping with the theme of ‘Shining the light of Faith’, the church was filled with the light from tea lights and candles. As the pupils entered the church they each carried their own LED candle to add to the brightness. Everyone joined in enthusiastically with the prayers, readings and hymns. It was truly a celebration filled with light and joy and enjoyed by everyone: pupils, staff, parents, friends and parishioners.
Back in school the celebration continued with all the pupils and adults (staff and guests) having a treat of tea, coffee or juice and cakes. We are now looking forward to next year!
St Laurence’s Parish, Greenock
The roof was raised in St Laurence’s Church in Greenock when the four schools of Notre Dame High School cluster came together for their annual Mass in recognition of Catholic Education Week. Father Gerry McNellis and Monsignor Denis Canon Carlin concelebrated the Mass, with assistance from Deacon Don Keane.
Pupils from Notre Dame High School and the three primary schools (All Saints, St Patrick’s and St Mary’s) were actively involved and all concerned felt that it was a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community of faith. Following the service, refreshments were kindly laid on by volunteers from St Laurence’s parish.
St Joseph’s Primary School, Helensburgh
The week started off on Education Sunday (23 February) with the parishioners receiving a report from the school giving a detailed account on developments in Catholic Education from the previous year; this was presented alongside details of all the plans to develop Catholic Education in the forthcoming week at school.
The theme of the Catholic Education Week was ‘Shining the Light of Christ’ and the children all worked diligently on their projects from candle making and thinking how they shine their light of faith in the world, to a friendship tree, shining the light of friendship on others. The week was rounded off by a celebration of Mass at school with the church parishioners and parents. Representatives from each class presented the children’s work from the week. It was a thoroughly enjoyable week at St Joseph’s!
Our Lady’s High School Motherwell
Some S5 pupils in Our Lady’s High School in Mothwerwell prayed for all who “shine the light of faith” in Catholic Education at a Prayer Service during Catholic Edcaution Week 2014.
Saint Paul’s Primary School, Shettleston, Glasgow
As part of the celebrations to mark the start of Catholic Education Week, staff, pupils and parents of St Paul’s Primary School in Shettleston came together to celebrate Education Sunday. They joined Father McKenzie at Saint Joseph’s parish in Tollcross and Father Friel at Saint Paul’s parish in Shettleston to celebrate ‘Shining the Light of Faith’ in children and young people’s daily lives. St Paul’s pupils read the bidding prayers whilst former pupils, now at St Andrew’s Secondary School, led the Offertory Processions. All pupils were a credit to both schools and their families.
As Catholic Education Week was drawing to a close, parents and carers of pupils from Saint Paul’s were invited to the school to celebrate the learning and activities children had been undertaking in Religious Education. This involved the Headteacher presenting to parents about the nature of Catholic Education in the school and giving them an insight into Religious Education in Roman Catholic schools before pupils from each class were invited to share their work and experiences with the assembled audience.
Mass for Taylor High Cluster Schools
Pupils and staff from schools in the Taylor High School cluster gathered to celebrate Mass for Catholic Education Week with Fr Frank King in St. Francis Xavier Church, Carfin on the evening of Thursday 27th February.
St Mary’s Primary School Greenock
As part of the celebrations to mark the beginning of Catholic Education Week, pupils from St Mary’s Primary in Greenock were formally enrolled for the Pope Francis Faith Award. Three representatives from Primary 6 addressed Bishop John, parishioners, parents and pupils to explain about the award and how it would help them to prepare for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation next year. They also asked for their prayers as they begin on this journey of faith. Emeritus Bishop John celebrated the Mass and congratulated the children on their commitment to their faith.
South Ayrshire pupils at Mass in Troon
On Education Sunday pupils from St Patricks Primary Troon, and Queen Margaret Academy Ayr, led the liturgy at all three Masses in the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Meddan’s in Troon. Pupils from P6 St Patricks were enrolled for the Pope Francis Faith Award at the 11 o’clock Mass.
Pupils from St Patrick’s Primary and Queen Margaret Academy with Canon Archie Brown
St Francis Primary and Blessed John Duns Scotus, Gorbals
Staff and children of St. Francis’ Primary, Glasgow, joined Father Eddie Highton at Blessed John Duns Scotus parish in the Gorbals area of Glasgow to mark the start of Catholic Education Week. The children led the liturgy at 10.00am Mass and shared their thoughts and ideas with the parish community on how they shine the light of faith both at home and in school. The children created a display about their daily faith actions at home and in school and this was displayed at the entrance of the church for all to see.
During the Mass our Primary 6 children, supported by their families, school staff and the parish community, enrolled for the Pope Francis Faith Award which they are working towards achieving next year in Primary 7.
On Friday of Catholic Education Week St. Francis’ Primary School invited parents, parishioners from Blessed John Duns Scotus and local residents to an open afternoon in the school. The children from P1-7 presented what they had been learning about in Religious Education and shared how they have been ‘Shining the Light of Faith’. The visitors learned about the range of creative approaches the children experience to nurture their faith and also witnessed our Primary 2 class taking part in a short prayer and meditation service at the school’s Sacred Space. Other activities that took place over Catholic Education Week included a special whole school assembly and class masses at the local parish, Blessed John Duns Scotus.