St Albert’s Primary School is a denominational school which serves an area in the south of Glasgow. At the time of the inspection the school roll was 236. In January 2008 an acting headteacher was appointed to the school. In August 2008 an acting depute headteacher took up post.
A report on St Albert’s Primary School was published in October 2007, setting out key strengths of the school and main points for action. A follow-through inspection was carried out in May 2008 and a report on that visit was in September 2008.
This follow-through report is based on an inspection visit which was carried out in May 2009. It tells you about improvements since the original inspection in the quality of education which the school provides. It also comments on how the school is getting on with the main points for action.
Particular strengths of the school
- Children’s behaviour, active participation in learning and their contributions to improving the school.
- Strong partnerships with parents and the wider community.
- Staff action to improve the school.
- Senior managers’ effective leadership of learning.