St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School is a denominational school which serves East Kilbride. The roll was 1454 when the inspection was carried out in January 2010. Young people’s attendance was above the national average in 2007/08.
Particular strengths of the school
- The outstanding climate and positive relationships across the school.
- Polite, pleasant and hard working young people.
- Very productive partnerships with a wide range of agencies.
- Highly effective approaches to enterprise and citizenship.
- Strong whole-school performance in external examinations.
- Purposeful leadership and teamwork at all levels in the school.
The school has a clear and confident sense of direction, based on its strong Catholic ethos, inclusive values, well established climate of achievement and culture of continuous improvement.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to improve young people’s experiences, including more effective monitoring, tracking and target setting to support their achievements.
- Refine further the school’s approaches to judging the quality of its performance.