St Andrew’s Primary School is a denominational school which, together with the Nursery Class serves the Whinhall and Burnfoot areas of Airdrie. The school is currently led by an acting headteacher, who was also in post at the time of the inspection. At that time, the headteacher was seconded to North Lanarkshire Council. The headteacher had recently retired, following a period when he had returned to the school.
A report on the previous inspection of the school was pubished on 19/02/2008.
Particular strengths of the school
- Polite, hard working and happy children.
- Committed, skilful staff who continue to develop their professional skills.
- Strong leadership from the acting headteacher and senior promoted staff, and positive examples of leadership among staff and children.
- The overall quality of children’s learning experiences in the school.
Examples of good practice
Health promotion-the school and its community.
St Andrew’s Primary School and Nursery Class Airdrie Follow-through Inspection 16/02/2010
What happens next?
The school has improved its performance since the original inspection. Arrangements to bring about improvements through self-evaluation are stronger and are now at a satisfactory or better level. The school now performs well overall. There is a strong commitment by staff and the education authority to continue to improve. Staff are working effectively to enhance their skills and children’s experience, as the school moves forward with Curriculum for Excellence. We will make no further visits in connection with the inspection report of February 2008.