St Anthony’s Primary School is a denominational school. It serves the town of Saltcoats. The roll was 245 when the inspection was carried out in April 2010. Children’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2008/2009.
Particular strengths of the school
- Open, confident and friendly children who engage fully in the life of the school.
- Staff’s determination to improve learners’ experiences across the school.
- Additional support for pupils’ learning, care and welfare needs.
- Parents’, including the Parent Council’s, contribution to the life and work of the school.
- The commitment and drive of the headteacher towards continuous improvement.
- Effective arrangements for self-evaluation.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority.
- Continue to develop mathematics and health and wellbeing, taking account of Curriculum for Excellence.
- Develop further the approaches to assessment which increase the involvement of children and help them to become more independent in their learning.