The school
The headteacher is a highly skilled leader who has involved fully children, parents and staff in evaluating and improving the work of the school. She demonstrates a personal and passionate commitment to delivering the school’s shared values and aims. All staff have worked together really well to improve learning and teaching and develop their own practice.
The school has introduced new approaches to develop children’s skills in writing and mathematics and these are improving children’s attainment. The principal teacher has worked with staff, parents and partners to develop a strong and effective programme for health and wellbeing. Commendably, children are involved in various ways in reviewing the work of the school and leading improvements. For example, they have introduced Respect Rules! to remind everyone to treat each other fairly and with respect.
The headteacher is highly respected and trusted by staff, parents and children. Parents feel that the school asks for and acts on their views on ways in which it can improve its work.
Key strengths of the school
- Highly motivated, polite and confident children who are keen to learn and make a difference in school.
- The quality and range of children’s achievements.
- Outstanding work of all staff in helping children who need additional support to learn.
- Strong ethos of a faith community and commitment of adults to the care and wellbeing of children.
- The headteacher’s leadership in involving children, parents and staff in improving the work of the school.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to review and improve the quality of the curriculum.
- Continue to develop procedures for planning and assessing children’s learning.