St. Benedict’s Primary, Glasgow, celebrated Catholic Education week with a whole school focus on This is Our Faith. The week started with assembly as we focussed on the words of the Holy Father that we should become “Credible Witnesses” to our Faith.
The Teaching staff celebrated Mass together after school on the Monday, to focus their own sense of faith and witness. They were led in a reflection of their teaching ministry by Fr. John Campbell, Parish Priest of St. Paul the Apostle Shettleston.
Throughout the week:
- We studied the story of The Prodigal Son and looked at Rembrandt’s interpretation of The Loving Father.
- We had Stations of the Cross timetabled throughout the whole school.
- We studied crosses from around the world and focussed on the Cross of This is Our Faith and its symbolism.
- We learned new hymns.
- We discussed in our classes how our school is a centre of faith and witness and what we can give back to our local community.
- We held Morning prayers where we were led by a staff member in daily reflection and prayer. During morning prayer, we focussed upon being witnesses to our faith and keeping a positive attitude to life.
- Each department in the school studied a Saint: Don Bosco, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. John Ogilvie.
- Our Student Council met with the Headteacher with some very innovative ideas as to how we can become witnesses to our faith through lent.
- We celebrated a whole school mass at the end of the week where we offered gifts from the week and re-focussed ourselves to prepare for Lent as being “credible witnesses” to our faith.